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- ****** UnrealIRCd v2.1.7 Documentation ******
- [ $Id: unrealircd.doc,v 2000/01/30 12:16:29 stskeeps Exp $ ]
- 1) About UnrealIRCd
- I started making UnrealIRCd about 1-2 months ago. (July 1999 now)
- First it was called mpx2.0b13.soundforge - as I was
- inspired of the 'forge' word. I quickly changed name
- after I realized the IRCd had more potential.
- Unreal is based off Elite2.0b13 and some of
- the minor bugfixes Potvin came up with. First lemme
- introduce myself. My nick is Techie/Stskeeps. I hang
- out at Global-IRC.net, DALnet, DragonWings.org and so on
- Unreal is a hybrid of Elite (as I said) mixed with some
- Twilight IRCd, TerraIRCd, TS4 (channel mode +h & +e) features
- (IMHO TwilightIRCd is one of the best dreamforge hybrids I've seen!
- Unreal is not a rip-off of other IRCds - I added a lot of features myself!
- I really cannot mention some major features as I think a IRCd is a
- IRCd when it has got useful commands- and people actually say mine has!
- Anyways I dunt demand donations or anything. I just do coding for fun
- I treat coding like playing with toys. It makes me happy(or is it just
- caffeine?;). An addy to send donations is at the Donation file in the IRCd dir
- And.. I don't sweat while making features unlike some Potvin coder so dunt
- send me towels;) I would be more happy if someone e-mailed me with ideas
- to the IRCd.. The whole IRCd is GNU so if you want to rip off any of my ideas
- You are generally welcome:) Just remember to do what's said in the Changes file!
- -- So.. Enjoy this IRCd:) It may become a dream to IRCd owners as its infact
- a sortof hybrid of EliteIRCd (Cite .man-pages/page1 in Elite:
- EliteIRCD has become a dream to many ircd owners</end cite>
- -- Carsten Munk / Techie .. =)
- 2) Commands (User Commands)
- *** WATCH Command ***
- Watch is a new notify-type system in UnrealIRCd which is both faster
- and uses less network resources than any old-style notify
- system. You may add entries to your Watch list with the command
- /watch +nick1 [+nick2 +nick3 ..., and the server will send
- you a message when any nickname in your watch list logs on or off.
- Use /watch -nick to remove a nickname from the watch list, and
- just /watch to view your watch list.
- The watch list DOES NOT REMAIN BETWEEN SESSIONS - you (or your
- script or client) must add the nicknames to your watch list every
- time you connect to an IRC server. /Watch was made in DreamForge IRCd
- which UnrealIRCd in ground is based off
- *** HELPOP Command ***
- HelpOp is a new system of getting IRC Server help. You type either
- /HelpOp ? <help system topic> or /HelpOp ! <question>
- The "?" in /HelpOp means query the help system and if you get no
- response you can choose '!' to send it to the Help Operators online
- ------------oOo--------------
- *** LIST Command ***
- New extended /list command options are supported. To use these
- features, you will likely need to prefix the LIST command with
- /quote to avoid your client interpreting the command.
- Usage: /quote LIST options
- If you don't include any options, the default is to send you the
- entire unfiltered list of channels. Below are the options you can
- use, and what channels LIST will return when you use them.
- >number List channels with more than <number> people.
- <number List channels with less than <number> people.
- C>number List channels created between now and <number> minutes ago.
- C<number List channels created earlier than <number> minutes ago.
- T>number List channels whose topics are older than <number> minutes
- (Ie., they have not changed in the last <number> minutes.
- T<number List channels whose topics are newer than <number> minutes.
- *mask* List channels that match *mask*
- !*mask* List channels that do not match *mask*
- LIST defaults to sending a list of channels with 2 or more members,
- so use the >0 option to get the full channel listing.
- *** PRIVMSG Command ***
- PRIVMSG and NOTICE, which are used internally by the client for
- /msg and /notice, in UnrealIRCd support two additional formats:
- /msg @#channel <text> will send the text to channel-ops on the
- given channel only. /msg @+#channel <text> will send the text
- to both ops and voiced users on the channel. While some clients
- may support these as-is, on others (such as ircII), it's necessary
- to use /quote privmsg @#channel <text> instead. It's perhaps a
- good idea to add the/alias omsg /quote privmsg @$0 $1 into
- your script (.ircrc) file in that case.
- **** KNOCK Command ****
- /Knock is a new UnrealIRCd command which enables you to
- 'knock' on a channel if it is +i and these criteria is met
- - Channel is not +K (No knocks)
- - Channel is not +I (No invites!)
- - You're not banned!
- - And you are not already there:)
- Syntax:
- /Knock #Channel :Reason
- **** LICENSE Command ****
- This command shows the GNU License
- Which is hard-coded into the IRCd:)
- Syntax: /License [optional server]
- *** SetName Command ***
- /SetName is a new feature in UnrealIRCd
- Which allows users to change their 'Real name'
- (GECOS) directly online at IRC without reconnecting
- Syntax:
- /SetName :New Real Name
- *** MODE Command ***
- This is basically the /mode command as it has always
- been on IRC. Thou in Channel mode basis it has got an
- Extra feature (/mode #Channel ^ ) which reports channel
- modes represented in a bitstring (may be handy, maybe not)
- UnrealIRCd has got some new channel / usermodes I think you
- wish to take a look at
- Channel Modes Help: /HelpOp CHMODES
- User modes help: /HelpOp UMODES
- *** STATSERV Command ***
- This is a alias for the /msg StatServ command,
- But is more secure. If the IRC network doesn't have StatServ
- It will report it is down.
- Syntax:
- /StatServ <command>
- *** /Credits Help ***
- This command will list the credits I've created
- to thank the people who has helped me with making
- UnrealIRCd. Anyone who I've forgotten all my kind
- thoughts go to -- Techie'99
- Syntax:
- /Credits [optional server]
- *** /DALINFO Help ***
- This command will list the credits that the
- Dreamforge IRCd team/the IRCd developers
- from the start when IRCd got developed
- Syntax:
- /DALInfo [optional server]
- 3) Operator Commands
- This section is the IRCOp's only commands
- area:) - These topics are available:
- Note: This doesnt include Dreamforge commands
- *** ADDMOTD Command Help ***");
- This will add the text you specify to the MOTD
- (the general motd - T:lines doesnt count ..)
- Server Admin & Co-Admin only
- Syntax: /ADDMOTD :text
- *** ADDOMOTD Command Help ***
- This will add the text you specify to the Operator MOTD
- Server Admin & Co-Admin only
- Syntax: /ADDOMOTD :text
- *** OPERMOTD Command Help ***
- This is a IRCop only command - shows the IRCd Operator MOTD
- Syntax: /OperMotd
- *** SETHOST Command Help ***
- This command is so you can change your
- Virtual host (hiddenhost) to everything you want to
- Except special characters;).
- Syntax:
- /SetHost <new hostname>)
- Example:
- /Sethost ircaddicts.org
- *** SETIDENT Command Help ***
- With this command you can change your
- ident (username).
- Syntax:
- /SetIdent <new ident>
- Example:
- /SetIdent root
- *** SDesc Command help ***
- NOTE: This is a Server Admin/Co Admin only command
- With this command you can change your Server Info Line
- Without having to squit and reconnect.
- Syntax: /SDesc :New description
- Example: /SDesc :If you belong to me..
- *** AdChat Command Help ***
- This command sends to all Admins online (IsAdmin)
- Only for Admins. This is a ChatOps style command
- Syntax: /AdChat :<text>
- Example: /AdChat :Hey guys!
- *** NAChat Command Help ***
- This command sends to all NetAdmins & TechAdmins online
- Only for Net/Techadmins. This is a ChatOps style command
- Syntax: /NAChat :<text>
- Example: /NAChat :Hey guys!
- *** Stats Command Help ***
- UnrealIRCd has got a extension called /Stats G
- Which will list the current G:Lines
- Syntax: /Stats G
- *** TEChat Command Help ***
- This command sends to all TechAdmins online
- Only for Net/Techadmins. This is a ChatOps style command
- Syntax: /TEChat :<text>
- Example: /TEChat :Hey guys!
- *** CHGHOST Command help ***
- This command makes you able to change other people's virtual hostname
- - IRCop only.
- Syntax: /CHGHOST <nick> <newhost>
- *** TSCTL Command Help ***");
- This is a highly advanced command");
- Syntax:");
- /TSCTL OFFSET +|- <time> - Adjust internal IRC clock");
- /TSCTL TIME - Will give TS report");
- *** SAJOIN Command help **");
- Makes <nick> join channel <channel>");
- Services Admin only..");
- Syntax: /SAJOIN nick channel");
- *** RemGline Command Help
- This command can remove G:Lines
- Syntax:
- /RemGline <user@host mask>
- Example:
- /RemGline *@*.flirt.org
- *** G:line command Help ***
- This command provides timed G:Lines. If you match
- a G:Line you cannot connect to ANY server at the
- IRC network
- Syntax:
- /GLINE <user@host mask> <seconds to be banned> :<reason>
- Example:
- /GLINE *@*.dal.net 900 :Spammers
- this will ban all users matching *@*.dal.net for 15 minutes
- with reason 'Spammers'
- *** MkPasswd Command help ***
- This command will encrypt the string it has been given
- So u can add it directly to the ircd.conf if you use
- Encrypted passwords. /MKPassWd is disabled in UnrealIRCd/32
- Syntax : /MkPasswd :string to be encrypted
- *** SNOTE Command Help ***
- This will store the parameter of the command to a file
- Which then can be read by using /SNOTES LIST
- Syntax: /SNOTE :<message>
- *** SNOTES Command Help ***
- This command is made to view notes
- Written to the SNOTE file by using /SNOTE
- Syntax: /SNOTES LIST
- or /SNOTES <number>
- *** ADDLINE Command Help ***
- This command can be used to add lines to the ircd.conf file
- Only for Server Admins
- Syntax: /AddLine :<line>
- *** LAG Command Help ***
- This command is like a sonar/traceroute for IRC servers
- You type in /lag server1.irc.net and it will
- reply from every server it passes with time and so on
- Useful for looking where lag is and optional TS future/past travels
- Syntax: /LAG <servername>
- **** RPING Command help ***
- This will calculate the milliseconds (lag) between servers
- Syntax: /RPING <servermask>
- 4) *** UnrealIRCd Usermodes ***
- o = Global IRCop
- O = Local IRCop
- i = Invisible (Not shown in /who searches)
- w = Can listen to wallop messages
- g = Can read & send to globops, and locops
- h = Available for help
- s = Can listen to server notices
- k = See's all the /KILL's which were executed
- S = For services only. (Protects them)
- a = Is a services admin
- A = Is a server admin
- N = Is a network admin
- T = Is a tech admin
- C = Is a co admin
- c = See's all connects/disconnects on local server
- f = Listen to flood alerts from server
- r = Identifies the nick as being registered
- x = Gives the user hidden hostname
- e = Can listen to server messages sent to +e users
- b = Can read & send to chatops
- W = (IRCops only) Lets you see when people does a /whois on you
- q = (Services Admins only) Gets you unable to be
- kicked unless by U:Lines
- B = (users) Marks you being a Bot
- F = (net|tech admin only) Lets you see far client connect/disconnects
- I = (net|tech admin only) Invisible Join/Part. Makes you
- being hidden at channels
- 1 = (IRCops only) Marks you a Coder
- 5) *** UnrealIRCd Channel Modes ***
- p = Private channel
- s = Secret channel
- i = Invite-only allowed
- m = Moderated channel, noone can speak except users with mode +voh
- n = No messages from outside channel
- t = Only channel operators may set the topic
- r = Channel is registered
- R = Requires a registered nickname to join the channel
- x = No ANSI color can be sent to the channel
- q = Channel owner (The big cheese)
- Q = No kicks able in channel unless by U:Lines
- O = IRCop only channel (setable by Opers)
- A = Server Admin | Network Admin | Tech Admin only channel (same as above)
- K = /Knock is not allowed
- I = /Invite is not allowed
- S = Strip all incoming colours away
- l <number of max users> = Channel may hold at most <number> of users
- b <nick!user@host> = Bans the nick!user@host from the channel
- k <key> = Needs the channel key to join the channel
- o <nickname> = Gives operator status to the user
- v <nickname> = Gives voice to the user (May talk if chan is +m)
- a <nickname> = Gives protection to the user (No kick/drop)
- e <exception ban> = Exception ban - If someone matches it
- they can join even if some else ban matches!
- h <nickname> = Gives halfop status to the user
- L <chan2> = If channel is full (+l) the next user
- will autojoin <chan2>
- You can get additional explanation on modes:
- Q h
- With /HELPOP mode-<x> where <x> is Q f.x. like mode-Q
- *** Channel mode +Q ***
- This is the 'peace' mode. Noone can kick eachother
- except by U:Lines. Bans can be placed thou.
- *** Channel halfops (+h) ***
- If you are marked as halfop (% in /names) you can do:
- - Set topic
- - Kick non-ops
- - Set modes +vmntibe
- 6) *** UnrealIRCd O:Line flags ***
- r = Access to /rehash server
- R = Access to /restart server
- D = Access to /die server
- h = Oper can send /help ops - gets +h on oper up
- g = Oper can send /globops
- w = Oper can send /wallops
- l = Oper can send /locops
- c = Access to do local /squits and /connects
- Y = Access to do remote /squits and /connects
- k = Access to do local /kills
- K = Access to do global /kills
- b = Oper can /kline users from server
- B = Oper can /unkline users from server
- n = Oper can send local server notices(/notice $servername message)
- N = Oper can send global notices(/notice $*.network.net message)
- u = Oper can set /umode +c
- f = Oper can set /umode +f
- o = Local oper, flags included: rhgwlckbBnuf
- O = Global oper, flags included: oRDCKN
- A = Gets +A on oper up. Is server admin
- a = Gets +a on oper up. Is services admin
- N = Gets +N on oper up. Is network admin
- T = Gets +T on oper up. Is tech admin
- C = Gets +C on oper up. Is co admin
- z = Can add /zlines
- H = Gets +x on oper up.
- W = Gets +W on oper up.
- ^ = Allows to use umode +I
- 7) Last word
- This documentation is based off src/help.c in Unreal2.1.7
- For version Unreal2.1.7 - $Date: 2000/01/30 12:16:29 $
- Made by Carsten Munk 1999 (Stskeeps)